Front End Interview Questions

Front End Interview Questions

In last 6 months, I got chance to interview for frontend developer role. I cracked some of the interviews :) and also failed some of them :( Here are some interview questions.


  1. What are semantic tags?
  2. Why we use meta tags?
  3. What does doctype mean?
  4. Difference between relative and absolute position?
  5. Ways to add CSS in HTML file?
  6. How many ways do you know to centre a div? explain.
  7. What are pseudo selectors and classes?
  8. What are combinators in css?
  9. Explain +, > , ~ combinators.
  10. Why we use link tag to include external css file?


  1. What is difference between defer and async attribute used in script tag
  2. What is ES5, ES6?
  3. Difference between var, let and const. [Most asked question]
  4. Closure and real life example of closure.
  5. What is hoisting and dead temporal zone.
  6. Some array functions and operations.
  7. Explain call, bind and apply [Most asked question]
  8. What is this in javascript?
  9. What is arrow function?
  10. Asynchronous nature of javascript.

In this blog, I shared those HTML, CSS and JS questions only which I could remember. There are some awesome resources to help you in your preparation:-
